Privacy Policy
1. What is the Fraud Lawyers Association?
The Fraud Lawyers Association (the FLA) is an unincorporated body representing lawyers from all areas of practice with an interest in fraud and associated legal matters. Details of the structure of the Association, its objective and its constitution can be found at The FLA is a data controller.
2. What personal data does the FLA process?
The FLA processes personal data relating to its members and a limited number of non-member third parties who attend events we host or provide services to us. We hold details such as names, professional addresses, email addresses and other contact information.
3. How does the FLA collect that personal data?
Generally, the FLA collects data directly from data subjects; in other words, personal data is given to the FLA by those it relates to, such as members (when they join the FLA) or suppliers (when they provide goods and services to the FLA). From time to time, when organising events to which non-members are invited, the FLA will process personal information relating those guests which has been supplied by another person e.g. a member may supply the FLA with the names of his/her guests to an event the FLA is organising.
4. How is such personal data used by the FLA?
The FLA uses the personal data it received exclusively for pursuing the objects of the Association (see the constitution here); the FLA does not use the personal data for any other purposes. That means the personal data is used for administering membership of the organisation (including the collection of subscriptions), organising social and educational events, and communicating with its membership and others in relation to those events or otherwise providing members with updates and relevant news.
5. Does the FLA disclose the personal data to third parties?
Only in limited circumstances. Generally, the FLA does not disclose personal data to any other party; the only sharing of personal data relates to events its organises in circumstances in which third parties need to know the names of those who are attending, for security or health & safety purposes. For example, when required, we inform venues of the names of people who have indicated they are attending an event and their dietary requirements (if any), or we pass names to printers for the purposes of printing programmes and other materials.
6. How long does the FLA keep personal data?
The FLA keeps data for the current membership year and for the previous three years. It does so in order to monitor membership numbers and membership trends, and trends in event attendance. For example, we may reflect on educational events which proved to be particularly well attended by members in order to plan future events.
7. How does the FLA keep personal data secure?
The FLA keeps personal data safe by storing it in one central location, where it is encrypted, and access is only given to committee or executive members in order to pursue the purposes described above.
8. What legal basis does the FLA have for processing personal data?
The FLA relies upon consent for processing personal data.
The FLA relies upon the ‘legitimate interests’ basis for processing of personal data provided by Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR. The FLA believes the limited process of personal data it carries out is necessary for the legitimate interests identified above, namely administering membership of the Association, collecting subscriptions, organising social and educational events and communicating with its membership. The FLA does not believe that any of the data subject rights or other fundamental rights and freedoms are infringed by its processing. To see our ‘legitimate interests assessment’.
9. What rights does a data subject have in relation to their personal data processed by the FLA?
A data subject has all the rights granted by the GDPR including the right to submit a subject access request, the right to be forgotten, the right to object to processing, the right to rectification of personal data.
10. Who should I contact if I want to make a subject access request, or have any questions or complaints?
Please send any subject access request, questions or complaints to